
Welcome to Whitney's Pastries' official website for the 13 colonies! If you are looking for more information about each colony, then this is the place! Please read through each description for each colony and find the target resident, so you'll know if the colony is for you! Enjoy

Friday, October 1, 2010



Historical Background: Virginia was founded in 1624 by John Smith and the London Company. Both parties wanted Virginia to be a colony for trade as its main source of profit. I think trading was an interesting reason for founding a colony. Most other colonies were founded for farming or religious purposes. Trading as a main source shows this colony is developed more sophisticated than the other colonies.

Government: Colonist from Virginia ran their government where all every free men could vote. Another thing Virginia’s government had was a governor and a voting council. This council voted on decisions important to the colony. Early on, the Virginia House of Burgesses made laws for Virginia.

Geography: Virginia is located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Many people were attracted to this colony because of how fertile the farmland was. Temperatures were slightly warmer than some of the northern colonies, simply because of the location.

Economy: The main part of Virginia’s economy is trade and farming. Most people would be farmers, and farm tobacco, indigo, and cotton, then trade it with northern colonists. Farms would be on plantations, and slaves would run the farms for little or no money at all.

Celebrity Residents: The most important resident of Virginia was John Smith, who founded the colony of Jamestown, the most important colony in Virginia. It was the also the first English settlement in the new world.

Religion: The religion of Virginia was Protestant Christian.

Important documents: The Magna Carta is an important document to Virginia, because the citizens of England followed by it, therefore the Virginia colonists did too. The Mayflower compact was also relatively important to Jamestown since it was the basic rules for how new world colonies should live.

Selling Point: If you like people to admire your work and be a part of one of the oldest colonies in the new world, then come to Virginia!

Target resident: Any colonist who wants a profit or something new for their work, and any colonist who’s not afraid of a running a plantation.
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” –Leonardo Da Vinci

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