
Welcome to Whitney's Pastries' official website for the 13 colonies! If you are looking for more information about each colony, then this is the place! Please read through each description for each colony and find the target resident, so you'll know if the colony is for you! Enjoy

Friday, October 1, 2010



Historical Background: Delaware was founded in 1683 by The Duke of York. The Duke of York believed Pennsylvania should be separated, because it was too big. So, he bought the land for Delaware. I think it would be kind of exciting to be a new colonist of Delaware because of all the new experiences you would have. You probably are a former resident of Pennsylvania, but left because it took too long to get to the town meetings. Now, you have your own government and own meetings to run. Think of all the new ideas and inspirations that will happen.

Government: Colonist from Delaware ran their government where all every free man could vote, they had a legislature, and a governor who watched over the colony for the King. The colonists also developed an assembly to discuss issues or problems they had with each other.

Geography: Delaware is located just off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Many people were attracted to this colony because of how fertile the farmland was. There was a major river named the Delaware River that ran through the colony towards the Atlantic Ocean.

Economy: The economy of Delaware consisted of farming and mining iron ore. The main crop of all the Delaware is grain, barley, and rye; that’s where the nickname Breadbasket colonies comes from.

Celebrity Residents: The most important residents were people who spent just a little of their time in the colony. Peter Stuyvesant went on an exploration of the Delaware River in 1655, William Penn, who did work for the colony when it was still a part of Pennsylvania, and the Duke of York, who originally supplied the land and money to fund the Delaware colony.

Religion: The religion of Delaware was Protestant Christian.

Important documents: The Magna Carta is an important document to Delaware, because the citizens of England followed by it, therefore the Delaware colonists did too.

Selling Point: If you like town meetings that don’t take forever to get to, and want to be a part of a good, strong farming colony, then come to Delaware!
Target resident: A non-Quaker colonist who is inspired to start something great.

“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.” -John Heywood

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