
Welcome to Whitney's Pastries' official website for the 13 colonies! If you are looking for more information about each colony, then this is the place! Please read through each description for each colony and find the target resident, so you'll know if the colony is for you! Enjoy

Friday, October 1, 2010

New York

New York:

Historical Background: New York was founded in 1664 by Peter Stuyvesant. New York was founded as a place where there was religious freedom. At first this colony was named New Netherland, but when Stuyvesant surrenders this colony to England, his brother renames it New York for the Duke of York. I personally find it interesting how all this land was given to the Duke of York. Obviously he knows what he’s doing to receive all that land. Knowing this, he would probably run a colony very well, along with it getting support from the King of England.

Government: Colonist from New York ran their government so every free man could vote. There was also a legislature, which made laws, and a governor who watched over the colony for the King.

Geography: New York is located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean; however there are major forestry areas that are good for shipbuilding.

Economy: Because of the vast forests and fertile soil, New York’s Economy consisted of farming, ship building, as well as fur trade. New York was also a major port colony.

Celebrity Residents: The most famous resident of New York was Peter Stuyvesant, the governor of New York, and Peter Minuit, who is known for buying Manhattan Island.

Religion: The religion of New York was Protestant Christian, and most of the Dutch residents living there were reformed Christians.

Important documents: The Magna Carta is an important document to New York, because the citizens of England followed by it, therefore the New Yorkers did too.

Selling Point: If you are someone who wants to make it big and famous whether in farming or trading, then come to New York!

Target resident: Any colonist with Dutch significance and someone who wants to see results in their work whether trading or farming.
New York
“The streets will inspire you; let’s hear it for New York!”- Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z

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