
Welcome to Whitney's Pastries' official website for the 13 colonies! If you are looking for more information about each colony, then this is the place! Please read through each description for each colony and find the target resident, so you'll know if the colony is for you! Enjoy

Friday, October 1, 2010

Rhode Island

Rhode Island:

Historical Background: Rhode Island was founded in 1635 by Roger Williams, because he felt like the Puritan Church had too much power. Williams was a young minister who believed in religious tolerance and the separation of church and state. So basically Williams stands up for what he believes in, and the General Court of Massachusetts asks him to leave. But being the kind of man he is, Roger Williams purchased land from the Native Americans to start his colony that would later be called Rhode Island. Personally, I think Williams had a lot of self-respect to carry out this crazy plan he had. How many of you, after being kicked out of wherever or whatever, would go out, on your own, and start a new one? This colony will resemble Roger William’s self-respect initiative, as it is the smallest colony.

Government: In Rhode Island, Roger Williams believed in a separation of church and state, so the church won’t have too much power over the government and vice versa. His government didn’t have a specific religion, and welcomed all religions to come to the colony. Did not want the government to have too much power, so all white men had the right to vote.

Geography: Rhode Island is located on coast of the Atlantic Ocean, perfect for fishing, importing, and exporting. Running through the middle of the Colony, there is a major river, leading the way to the Atlantic Ocean.

Economy: In Rhode Island, if workers aren’t farming, they are probably doing some type of water work, fishing, whaling for oil, ship building, and shipping products out. Of course there are always chores around the colony to do too. Another thing that shaped how the economy would be were town meetings. In these meetings, colonists would vote on certain issues related to farming, their lifestyle, or any other problem that came across their way.

Celebrity Residents: Residents who have lived here are Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson, a devout Puritan who got thrown out of Massachusetts because she claimed God spoke directly to her (blasphemy), and fled to Rhode Island.

Religion: Our religion is Protestant Christian, however Jews, Catholics, and anyone else was welcome to come too.

Important documents: The Magna Carta is an important document to Rhode Island, because the citizens of England followed by it, therefore the Rhode Island colonists did too.

Selling Point: If you like someone who shows initiative and will stand up for what he thinks is right, and you have a battle that is worth fighting for, then come to Rhode Island!
Target resident: Any colonist wishing to take on a more proactive role in their colony’s government where separation of church and state is practiced.

Rhode Island
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me –Philippians 4:13

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